As a part of their educational initiatives, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) organised a session called ‘The Compassionate Citizen on Empathy for Animals’ at Fazlani L’Academie Globale to instil compassion for animals in students.
Post the session, the school aimed to raise awareness about the emotions, needs and rights of animals; through thought-provoking discussions, videos, role-play, stories and activities. It encouraged children to empathise with animals and consider their perspectives, fostering the well-being of all living things in a healthy ecosystem. Children were also encouraged to think critically about their actions and choices concerning animals.
By actively engaging in advocacy and awareness, our students will surely become agents of change for a better world.
Thank You PETA for your continuous support in sowing the seeds of compassion, kindness and appreciation for our Wildheart Companions.