It was an insightful and informative morning for our 5th Graders as Dr. Amisha Mohatta who is an image consultant and mindfulness coach navigated them through an adventurous transition from Tween to teenager.
The key aspect of this session highlighted how this period is characterized by self-discovery, exploration, and the forging of a unique identity. Ms. Mohatta also emphasized how all members of the community- parents, students, peers play a vital role during this phase of twists, turns, high and lows.
As tweens to teenager is a collective journey, we strongly voiced out – “Embrace your teens with an open heart and an inquisitive mind. It is okay not to have all the answers and seek help when needed. Surround yourself with positive influences, pursue your passions, and believe in your ability to overcome challenges”.
Together, we are creating an environment where our teenagers can flourish and celebrate this incredible journey of becoming.