Fazlani L’Academie Globale warmly welcomed the newly formed PTA Executive Committee for the academic year 2022-2023 on Tuesday, 23 August at the Hall of Harmony( Worli).
The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) provides a platform for a healthy partnership and open communication between the school and the parent body with an aim to benefit all stakeholders of the organisation.
The School’s Academic Director ,Sir Hosh addressed the audience emphasising on the three C’s namely communication, commitment and coordination which are the pillars of all successful joint ventures.
The minutes of the meeting included the curriculum plans and threw light on the sports and creative activities and social initiatives for the academic year across the PYP, Middle and the High school sections.
The position of the Presidentship will be held by Ms. Arwa Baldiwala ,Head of School and that of the Joint President by Mrs.Pink Bafna (Grade 5). Further, Ms Kinjal Shah our PYP Coordinator will hold the post of the Secretary followed by Mrs. Arwa Vaglawala (Grade 9) and Mrs.Insiya Pocketwala (Grade 1) as the Joint Secretaries of the committee.
The meeting ended on a positive note of mutual trust whereby all agreed that education is a shared responsibility between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents.
Once again we warmly welcome the PTA Executive Committee to a fulfilling academic year ahead.