Learning Environments
become active learners
The school environment at FLAG has a range of areas which encourage inquiry, investigation, exploration and play, both in and out of doors. These include spaces for reading, writing, art, construction and imaginative play, science and Math.
For our students, interactions in and with these spaces stimulate them to become active learners. They need extended periods of time and as much space as possible to explore, investigate and play with a variety of materials in order to learn about themselves, other people and the world around them. Teachers structure dynamic learning environments to provide ongoing opportunities for students to develop planned and spontaneous inquiries by:
- Making choices and decisions.
- Using materials in flexible and imaginative ways.
- Initiating inquiry and asking questions
- Working collaboratively with others.
- Sustaining their interests and extending their knowledge.
- Developing understanding
- ICT Hub
- G Suite School
- The Arts Studio.
- Library
- Indoor Outdoor Sports Facilities
- Three Science Laboratories - Chemistry , Biology and Physics.
- Learning Support Hub
- The Wellness Bay
- The Resource Room
All facilities of FLAG are temperature controlled
- Cafeteria
- Mini Auditorium
- Faculty Lounges
- In - House Turf

We make extensive use of Mumbai as a resource, visiting museums, science centres and art galleries. We plan day trips (for PYP and Middle School grades) to various locations in and around Mumbai to complement homeroom teaching. Beginning from Grade 6, each grade also undertakes a longer trip in India and from Grade 8 overseas that is linked with the unit/s they are studying. Besides we also plan cultural and student exchange programs in secondary & senior school (Grades 9 and 11) where our children get an opportunity to attend a school in the host country and also immerse themselves in cultural activities the host country is known for.