‘Acromantula’ was an event where the participants were expected to select an excerpt from the Harry Potter series and recite it in the form of an audio book, using techniques such as voice modulation, voice changeovers, and intonation. They could include sound effects in the background to enhance the experience.
Inayah’ s selection was aligned with the specific theme and contributed to an engaging and cohesive narrative. Her creativity in the use of audio effects enhanced the overall listening experience that complemented the story, created atmosphere and added depth to the narration.
Her voice modulation, expressions, pacing and overall performance showed a confident and captivating presentation that contributed to a more immersive experience for the listeners. Inayah demonstrated a clear understanding of the chosen excerpt, effectively conveying its emotions, plot nuances, and character dynamics. The ability to captivate the audience and maintain their interest was crucial, which was delivered by her successfully.