Guest Speaker Session

24th January is celebrated as the International Day of Education and also as National Girl child day . Fazlani L’Academie Globale thus hosted an informative session for the middle school students on the importance of education, legal rights and safety of the girl child .

The Guest Speaker for the session was Adv. Vaishali Rode recipient of the N.C.C. All India Best Girl Cadet Trophy and Shreenagar Bhushan Puraskar ,is a commanding officer of Jidhnyasa Military academy providing self defence training to disabled and autistic children.

Miss Vaishali highlighted the importance of educating the girl child to better understand the legal rights. She shared proudly that because of consistent efforts towards this cause, today 73% of the girl population is educated in India. The ‘Beti Padhao.. Beti Bachao’, the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO)Act and the RTE Act by the constitution have played critical roles in the advancement of the mission to educate the girl child.She emphasised that children must be aware of their legal rights by familiarising themselves with the ‘Juvenile Justice Act’ and the ‘Bare Acts’.

However ,the interactive demonstration of the 4 different types of self defence techniques had our students completely involved as they were given to understand that during a sudden attack,how our body becomes our only weapon. She stressed on the use of the strong parts of our body and how to aim at the weaker parts of the opponent’s body in our self defence.

We as a school strongly support the importance of education across all stratas and gender and believe that with education the human potential can be fully realised.

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