Guest Speaker, Elvana Shala, addressed our middle school students regarding the benefits and privileges of belonging to a community where education is given priority.
Elvana, herself comes from a background whereby politically the situation of education was never given a strong standing by the government of Peja. As a successful activist, she worked with various local and international non-governmental organisations mainly in humanitarian projects and in the protection of human rights, especially where she witnessed discrepancies in education. She often appeared in front of the public demanding rights for the students with disabilities.
Elvana’s milestones and her life story only further made our young minds realise how blessed they were. Elvana touched upon topics like the Role and Importance of Education, The Rights and Privilege to Education, the Importance of Literacy among the larger Society and How Together we can spread Awareness on Education for all.
This session was held on Friday, 21st January 2022 and it not only touched our hearts but made our souls swell with pride, as we all realised how fortunate we were.