Grade 8 & 9 – Educational Trip – Dalhousie and Amritsar .

A 4 night 5 day trip to Dalhousie and Amritsar for students of Grades 8 and 9 of Fazlani L’Academie Globalewas organised from the 13th to 17th February. In Dalhousie they explored the mall road for shopping and visited Khajjer for its beautiful view of the rolling fields and rivers. The sight- seeing also included Subhash Baoli ,the natural waterfall named after the freedom fighter Subhash Chandra Bose, Panchpulla a beautiful picnic spot and the Satdhara waterfall. In Amritsar they went to the Wagah,the international border that separates India and Pakistan.They were left in awe with the display of pomp and pageantry of the Beating Retreat and witnessed the charming spectacle of the Change of Guard within handshaking distance of the Indian and Pakistani forces The Flag Lowering Ceremony was an adrenaline racing moment filled with pulsating passion and patriotism.

Students also visited the Golden Temple for its ethereal experience and Jallianwala Bagh for gaining an insight into the most heart wrenching massacre. The journey homewards was one rich with knowledgeable takeaways and scenic sights.

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