Message from the desk of the chairman
On behalf of the Board, the teachers and our administrative staff, I wish you, your families and children, a very warm welcome to FLAG.
True leaders are not born; they are groomed and nurtured, over time. The Fazlani L’Académie Globale (FLAG) aims to be the nursery of the Gen-Next leaders. A talent trained to shape the future by lending a whole new meaning to each academic subject. It’s an attempt to help students see the world in a new light so that as citizens of the world, they can carry the mantel of leadership with ease and confidence.
The vision of the trustees is to create an institution that would produce leaders, the world and our country needs.
FLAG students will be accompanied on their learning journey by a qualified and talented team of educators, who listen, facilitate, challenge and support in order to create a productive and enriching learning community.
We have hired teachers for their dedication, professionalism and commitment to students, teachers who are globally focused and able to extend thinking and teaching methodologies beyond national borders.
Everyday, every year, there will be new heights to scale. We will never rest on our laurels because the search for excellence is relentless.
Dr. Abdul Kader Fazlani
Chairman, Fazlani Group