Little Orators 2024

‘Little Orators’ English Elocution Competition – Where Voices Soar! 

What an extraordinary day it was at the ‘Little Orators’ English Elocution Competition! Our young orators, from Senior Kindergarten to Grade 5, filled the stage with words that moved, inspired and impressed us all. Their courage to speak and their flair for expression left an indelible mark on every heart in the room. They truly made poetry come alive. 

A special note of gratitude to our esteemed judges, Dr. Meera Mahadevan and Ms. Linda Shaw, school leaders and ex- school heads, for their invaluable insights and encouragement. Your thoughtful words and guidance truly illuminated the path for our aspiring speakers.

Kudos to the remarkable students who took the microphone, your voices echoed far beyond the stage. Keep speaking, keep dreaming and let the world hear you!

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