PITCH PERFECT …. An event modelled on the Shark Tank Reality show was as perfect as it can get for our cohort of grade 8 students at FLAG.
The event was held on Friday,19th April and conducted in the presence of esteemed guests Mr Kunal Khambati (brain child behind live events & intellectual property BookMyShow)and Mr Munaf Kapadia (Creator of India’s first Food -ECommerce Consultancy & Founder of The Bohri Kitchen ). The School Leadership team Sir Hosh (Academic Director) and,Ms. Arwa Baldiwala ( Head of School ) along with parents made their presence felt at the event which showcased the culmination of the Communications Skills Class.
The students exhibited all the elements essential to the skills of speaking, listening, writing and non verbal communication as they all presented their innovative product ideas through storytelling and visual presentations.
Each group ensured that they had catchy names, tagline and logos that held the audience’s attention through the format of storytelling that was further elaborated through a ‘pain point’ experienced personally or a community concern thus leading to the solution.
While each group left both the judges and the audience awe struck with their creativity ,clarity and confidence,it was the ‘Go Green Trucks’ group with a mission to combat waste management that won the first place,where as the runners up was awarded to the
‘Avengers of Education’ whose tagline ‘access to success’ matched their intention to bridge the gap of learning opportunities for the lesser privileged members of the society.
Truly, as we step into the last lap of our academic year,we certainly have our hands full with young entrepreneurs armed with revolutionary ideas to transform communities for a better and brighter future. In the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.”